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What is your Favourite Class?
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Definition: In the world of Rhiannon, we class 2 clans going for the same boss as an FFA (Free for all). However, their are certain factors which will stop a boss being an FFA and rather a KS (Kill steal). Kill stealing is not allowed and those caught to be doing so will face consequences.

The Rules

If 2 or more clans are WAITING for a boss to spawn, then whatever spawns, whether it be a place-holder or the actual boss, will be FFA. This is the ONLY time anything other than a 6* has the possibility to be FFA.

Apart from that, ONLY 6* bosses can be FFA. If 2 or more clans are at a 6* boss, it has a chance to be FFA. 1 Clan must start within 15 seconds of the other clan starting for it to be FFA. if the second clan does not start within 15 seconds, then the boss can no longer be FFA, and the team that attacked first should go on and get the kill un-opposed.

If 1 clan is on a boss and the boss DOES NOT reset, and you start hitting it. Then the original clan gets wiped out but you hold the boss up and it does not reset, then it is still the original clans kill and you should leave the boss alone and make sure you do not KS. If however, you are stood at a boss that another clan is already on, and they wipe out and the boss resets, it then has the chance to become an FFA, as long as it follows the above-mentioned rules.
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